Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Masala Plays @ DOYLES ROOM

G'Day Mates

Masala can always be found playing at "Doyles Room"!!!
Just about every night I am usually playing at the (10 cent SitnGo tables). I play these very small buyin Sitngo Tournys as practice while I am usually working on my website (www.pokermatesnz.com) or answering post's on my forum(http://pokermatesnz.suddenlaunch3.com).
You May laugh at why I play such small money buyins? First of all let me tell you that I am mainly a CASH player, but I normally only play at the low money tables. I am not much of a freeroll player because I would rather make $10 in ten minutes then spend half my day playing against 6000 players to win a $1.... LOL
I have played at almost every poker room you can think of and I have Found Doyles Room to be the most Honest, Fair and realistic poker play/ and I have never ever had any problem whatsoever depositing or withdrawing my winnings!
Doyles room will have me as a player for LIFE.
I am normally playing there around (9-12pm NZ Time). I dont play the speed sitngos, but I tend to play the 6 or 9 man NL Holdem sitngo games.
If I could give you One word of advise when playing sitngo's it would be "PATIENCE" ( Pick your hand's and pick your Battles or dont play).
Tomorrow I will elaborate on My Startegy for playing SitnGos!!!!
And Remember, when you play Poker? Dont forget to show them Your NUTS!!!!!

Cheers Mates

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