Friday, November 17, 2006

A few tips on Sitngos

G'day mates

As I stated in my last entry, I am intending to make this a daily entry! I have been very busy writing a new website, which by the way this page and all of my mates Blogs will be able to be accessed from.
"Now for my first few tips on playing Sitngos". First let me lay a little foundation! If you are playing a 10 or 9 man (game). You must remember that only the top 3 places get PAID! So your object is to make it to the final 3 or else it was all a useless exercise! I will almost never play the first hand unless I have a monster hand like- BULLETS(AA) or BIG SLICK(AK) I play extremely tight and wait for all the other impatient players to kill each other!....LOL
You may be laughing at that but if you are paying attention to your game you will see that in no time you will be down to 5 players and you may not have even played 1 hand yet? This is good because you have just increased your odds at winning/placing in the money! I only play a monster hand or (A-5 suited) or maybe even a high pair. But I will normally just call until Im down to 3 players and then I will go for the throat, my object is to win because there is not much difference in payout between 2nd/3rd.
I am playing a game right now at Doyles and I have given up 3 blinds and have only lost $180 with only 6 players left and I am holding 4th place and I havent even played a hand yet?I just played a hand only because I was on the Big Blind and I got to call for free, I had 4/5 and only 1 other player so I bet 3times the big blind in a total bluff which works when you havent played at all in 15 hands. The other guy Folds............LOL
Tomorrow I will continue this because now I am in the money and have to get to playing in this game. .....................Catch Ya tomorrow mates.......................Masala

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Masala Plays @ DOYLES ROOM

G'Day Mates

Masala can always be found playing at "Doyles Room"!!!
Just about every night I am usually playing at the (10 cent SitnGo tables). I play these very small buyin Sitngo Tournys as practice while I am usually working on my website ( or answering post's on my forum(
You May laugh at why I play such small money buyins? First of all let me tell you that I am mainly a CASH player, but I normally only play at the low money tables. I am not much of a freeroll player because I would rather make $10 in ten minutes then spend half my day playing against 6000 players to win a $1.... LOL
I have played at almost every poker room you can think of and I have Found Doyles Room to be the most Honest, Fair and realistic poker play/ and I have never ever had any problem whatsoever depositing or withdrawing my winnings!
Doyles room will have me as a player for LIFE.
I am normally playing there around (9-12pm NZ Time). I dont play the speed sitngos, but I tend to play the 6 or 9 man NL Holdem sitngo games.
If I could give you One word of advise when playing sitngo's it would be "PATIENCE" ( Pick your hand's and pick your Battles or dont play).
Tomorrow I will elaborate on My Startegy for playing SitnGos!!!!
And Remember, when you play Poker? Dont forget to show them Your NUTS!!!!!

Cheers Mates

Monday, November 13, 2006

Masala wins (Leaderboard Points tour) Make-up Points "STUD" Game

G'day Mates
Tonight was the last make-up points day for this week, in our PokerMatesNZ Forum Leaderboard Points Tour. I believe ther were only 7 of us there tonight! We played "Stud" for the first time so I'm not really sure if thats what scared all the players from attending the game tonight?
Even though the game of Stud is really not my poker forte I managed to win the game! The main thing I can say about playing Stud poker is to choose your starting hands wisely and if in doubt just fold! I am normally a tight player anyway and I win a fair bit of the time as long as I am not being distracted by other things going on around me.
I am the current Leaderboard Points Leader with 2 weeks left to play in this 8 weeks round of play! Anyone can come and play for absolutely free and I also offer a $1 bounty at each of our games if you should happen to eliminate me from the tourny? We play every Tues, Wed, Sat & Sun (NZ Time- GMT +12 hrs) at 9pm!
On our own Branded Poker Room- Poker Mustang (

Cheers Mates